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I do like full body exercises like this one: the wood chop. This exercise is great for the abs (obliques), lower back and all the posterior chain + it pumps up your cardio as a bonus!! Thanks @simonvinette . . . #fitness #homefitness #trainathome #trainfromhome #totalbodyworkout #totalbodyexercise #healthylifestyle #healthyroutine #trainsmart #trainsmarter #trainwithppjutras

I do like full body exercises like this one: the wood chop. This exercise is great for the abs (obliques), lower back and all the posterior chain + it pumps up your cardio as a bonus!! Thanks @simonvinette .
#fitness #homefitness #trainathome #trainfromhome #totalbodyworkout #totalbodyexercise #healthylifestyle #healthyroutine #trainsmart #trainsmarter #trainwithppjutras