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I won’t say enough… Lunges are key in every training routine. No matter if you’re looking to improve your strength or fixing your posture… This is a must!!! Keep those quick tips in mind Ears over your shoulders and shoulders over your hips. This way you’re upper body will stay straight and you’ll max out the benefits of the exercise. . . . #legs #legexercises #lowerbodyworkout #lunges #focusondetails #structuralbalance #mobility #mobilityexercises #fitness #training #legday #legdayworkout #trainsmart #trainsmarter #simpledetails #trainwithppjutras

I won’t say enough… Lunges are key in every training routine.

No matter if you’re looking to improve your strength or fixing your posture… This is a must!!! Keep those quick tips in mind
Ears over your shoulders and shoulders over your hips. This way you’re upper body will stay straight and you’ll max out the benefits of the exercise.
#legs #legexercises #lowerbodyworkout #lunges #focusondetails #structuralbalance #mobility #mobilityexercises #fitness #training #legday #legdayworkout #trainsmart #trainsmarter #simpledetails #trainwithppjutras