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Friday night treat… An homemade poutine made with tempeh, sweet potato fries, gluten and lactose free BBQ sauce with lactose free cheese. My belief is living an healthy lifestyle is eating clean, healthy and fresh more than 80% of the time. If you have a craving for more “junk” oriented food or living with a pregnant wife… at least tweak it to make a healthier version! . . . #food #fridaynighttreat #poutine #homemademeal #trainwithppjutras

Friday night treat… An homemade poutine made with tempeh, sweet potato fries, gluten and lactose free BBQ sauce with lactose free cheese.
My belief is living an healthy lifestyle is eating clean, healthy and fresh more than 80% of the time. If you have a craving for more “junk” oriented food or living with a pregnant wife… at least tweak it to make a healthier version! .
#food #fridaynighttreat #poutine #homemademeal #trainwithppjutras