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Bulgarian Split Squat for hip mobility and lower body strength Focusing and working on your hip mobility is key for several aspects of your life. By releasing the tension on your hip flexors, you are also relaxing your lower back muscles. Balancing those front and back muscles will significantly prevent lower back pain and lower back injuries. If you are active, keeping your hips looser will give you better range of motion while running. – Better range of motion = better running technic – Better technic = you will be using your gluts and hamstrings instead of only your hamstrings. – Using the right muscles = more speed and less injuries. – Less injuries = Don’t need to put a hold on your activities and passion! . . . Thanks to @fberarddubois #ultimatefrisbee #hipflexorstretch #squats #splitsquat #legworkout #lowerbodyworkout #lowerbodyexercise #legexercises #fitness #outdoorfitness #sprint #sprinting #running #run #structuralbalance #healthyroutine #trainwithppjutras

Bulgarian Split Squat for hip mobility and lower body strength
Focusing and working on your hip mobility is key for several aspects of your life.

By releasing the tension on your hip flexors, you are also relaxing your lower back muscles.
Balancing those front and back muscles will significantly prevent lower back pain and lower back injuries.

If you are active, keeping your hips looser will give you better range of motion while running. – Better range of motion = better running technic
– Better technic = you will be using your gluts and hamstrings instead of only your hamstrings.
– Using the right muscles = more speed and less injuries.
– Less injuries = Don’t need to put a hold on your activities and passion!
Thanks to @fberarddubois
#ultimatefrisbee #hipflexorstretch #squats #splitsquat #legworkout #lowerbodyworkout #lowerbodyexercise #legexercises #fitness #outdoorfitness #sprint #sprinting #running #run #structuralbalance #healthyroutine #trainwithppjutras